Evening Maktab

Evening Maktab at Ummah Masjid
Monday - Thursday
5:00pm to 7:00pm

Maktab Calendar 2024-2025.png
Girls and Boys are in Separate Classes

Subjects Covered
Nazira Qur'an
Hifz of Selected Surahs and Paras

Monday - Akhlaaq
Tuesday - Aqeeda
Wednesday - Fiqh
Thursday - Seerat

Also the Students Memorize Individuallly Daily
Salat Rules

$50 per month for 12 Months including Holidays

Registration is done based on the availibility of spots in the class.
Priority is given to those new students who's siblings are already registered.
Complete the
Registration Form - CLICK - and bring it in to the office.


1.   Attendance is taken 15 Minutes after school start time by handing the folder to the teacher so that the teacher may mark who is present and who is absent

2.   Students who arrive after the attendance has been taken must first go to the office before sitting in class.

3.    Late students will be marked late in the attendance folder.

 The office calls home after the attendance to follow up on lates and absences.


·        All late students must enter from main entrance. 

·        Students will enter and, after the register is changed, get a late slip from main office. Without this slip they are not allowed in class.  The slip ensures that the attendance register has been changed.

Students will then give this slip to their teacher to enter the class. Teacher does not have to retain this slip.


·        NO ONE  (except current teachers) is allowed to enter from the opposite side of the portable entrance without first informing the office

·        Only the Head of the Department  has the authority to open the door to allow a parent or visitor in the classroom. 

·         Teachers bringing their children in late, must first send them to the front office so that the attendance is updated.

·        If a parent meeting is required, a written note will be sent to the head of the department  and he will make the necessary appointment.

·        Parents, late students, visitors, will only be allowed to enter if their entry into the classroom is scheduled.

·        Possible scenario – Someone wants to bring a treat for teachers or for the class – date and time must first be approved by the head of the department so the learning process is not disturbed

·        Parents drop their children at the Masjid door.  No parents are coming in to escort their child to their class. 

·        Parents and Visitors are NOT allowed to sit in the class when the evening Maktab or Hifz Class is taking place

Regular school attendance and punctuality are essential for a successful school experience.  School attendance is required by law.


After arrival at school, a student will not be allowed to leave school without a permission slip from the head of the department. Parents who need to pick up their child before the regular dismissal time must:

1.   Call the school office. 289 893-1248

2.   Send a note with the child.

3.   Pick up their child in the school office.


*All classrooms are the responsibility of the teacher and class.

Before leaving the room, the teacher must make sure that:

·        Benches are Put Away

·        Specks off the Floor

·        Air Conditioner Turned Off

·        Fans Turned Off

·        Garbage Emptied Into The Main Bin In The Hallway

·        Lights Turned Off


Safety is first and foremost.  We are responsible for the children when they are scheduled to be in school.  The department Head should be there first and ensures that the doors are unlocked.   We cannot be responsible for children at times when they are not scheduled to be in school.  There is no after school supervision. Parents who are running late must inform the front office and arrangements will be made.

If someone else shows up to pick up a student ie aunt, The department head  will phone home first – to see if the student is allowed to go home with that person. If the office was not already informed. 


If any students come to Ummah Masjid with the following – send them to the office. They  will make the necessary arrangements.  Do not make judgments on your own.

a)    Illness

Because we want to make our school program as successful as possible, we must ask that children who are sick be kept home.  A child may not attend school with a fever (100 degrees/ 37.5 or higher) and must be fever free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

b)   Communicable Disease

Although other communicable diseases do not require a medical certificate for return to school, these following guidelines are to be enforced.

Disease                                           Absence Guideline

CHICKEN POX            For 5 days after the rash begins, or until all blisters have crusted, whichever is shorter.

DIARRHEA                  Until diarrhea stops.

IMPETIGO                    Until the antibiotic prescribed by a doctor has been taken for at least one full day.

MEASLES                    For at least  4 days after the rash begins.

MUMPS                        For at least nine days after the swollen glands appear.

PINK-EYE                    Until the antibiotic prescribed by a doctor has been taken for at least one full day.

LICE                              Until treatment has started AND NO MORE NITS.

RUBELLA                    Until at least 7 days after the rash first appears.

SCARLET FEVER       Until antibiotic treatment has been taken for one full day.

STREPT THROAT      Until antibiotic treatment has been taken for one full day.

WHOOPING COUGH       Until antibiotic treatment has been

taken for at least 5days.  If no treatment is given, for three weeks from when the cough began.


·        Teachers do NOT call students homes in the case of an emergency or sudden illness.  They will send the child to the department head.  He will then make a decision.


*Teachers may NOT give ANY medicines to the students.

*Any student who is required to take medication prescribed by a physician, will be assisted by the office.  In order to do this, Ummah Masjid must receive a written statement from the physician detailing:

·        Times of administration

·        Name of Medication

·        Dosage to be given


A letter will be written to the office about the extended absence

The principal will decide by the length of the trip whether a child will receive a report card or not for that term.


The staff at Ummah Masjid continually recognizes and reinforces good behaviour, wise decision-making and positive contributions to the school by our students.  Those students who are unable or unwilling to meet the school’s expectations will be faced with consequences appropriate to the situation.  The consequences can include one or a combination of the following:

a)    Minor infractions / disputes: 

·        reprimand                                             

·        accessing peer mediation

·        verbal or written apology

·        classroom time-out in office

·        counseling and dialogue with teachers and / or administrator

·        missing break

b)    Significant infractions and / or persistent misbehaviour:

·        counseling and dialogue with teachers and / or administrator

·        interview with parents / teacher / administrator

·        withdrawal of privileges (i.e trips)

·        school clean-up assignment

·        behavioral contract

·        in-school or out-of-school suspension

c)    Extremely Serious Infraction – Immediate Removal from the School

·        Possession of Drugs

·        Possession of Firearms

·        Sexual Interference or Inappropriate Sexual Touching

·        Assaulting a teacher or staff member

 Suspension either from school or specific rights / privileges is a very significant step taken by the principal.  Suspensions indicate that the behaviour of the student has either been well beyond the tolerances of usual student behaviour of the student has been persistent and the student has not demonstrated a satisfactory response to other interventions.


1.    Teachers post and go over class rules.

2.   Child breaks rule – name on board

3.   Child breaks rule again – check mark goes beside their name

4.   Child breaks rule third time that day – Three strikes and you are out. Child will be taken out of the class by the department head.  An Incident report will be written out. Teachers will text him or call him and he will come to the class and remove the child.  If he is occupied with something else, the child will be sent to the office with a hall pass and wait on the chair or couch.



Students are expected to:

·        show respect for themselves and others

·        follow directions of all staff and the classroom rules

·        keep hands, feet and objects to themselves

·        use clean language and speak in an appropriate tone of voice

·        safeguard and protect private property

·        be honest and truthful

·        be prepared: report to class on time, bring supplies, homework and materials

·        keep the school clean – do monitor jobs diligently

·        walk at all times inside the school building

·        leave personal items at home

·        raise hand to speak in class

·        remain seated

·        remain in class unless carrying a hall pass


1.    I will show respect for myself and others.  Showing respect means that I will use first names when speaking to fellow students. I will solve differences by talking and acting in a way that will not hurt anyone.

2.   I will follow directions from the staff.  I will listen when staff members speak and I will do what they tell me to do.

3.   I will keep my hands, feet and objects to myself.  I will not hurt or bother other students.

4.   I will use clean language and speak in an appropriate tone of voice.  I will not disrupt, or interrupt classes with my voice.  I will speak loud and clear when I am asked to speak in front of a group.

5.   I will safeguard and protect all school and private property.  I will treat all property with care.  I will not break, take or write on things that do not belong to me.

6.   I will be honest and truthful.  I will always be honest and truthful and I will remember that Allah is watching me at all times.

7.   I will be prepared.  I will report to class on time with all necessary books and supplies.

8.   I will keep the school clean; put litter in the trash cans.  No Food or drinks in class. I will throw away all garbage and make sure the area I was sitting in is clean.  I will clean after myself.

9.   I will walk at all times inside the school.  I will run outdoors, on the playground, and at P.E. time only.

10. I will leave personal items at home.  I will not bring items such as cell phones, tablets, electronincs, toys, cosmetics, jewelry, money, glass, knives, etc.